Devlog #2 Theme

    So for the theme of betrayal. There were talks about using it as a mechanic such as having a card that when revealed during the combination process makes the monster betray you, certain monster skills that either take an opponent’s monster or have itself go to the opposing side but with downsides. But at the end we decided it is best to do it at face value for now for a story introduction, as we were lacking an introduction and character motivations. 

One of the stories we came up with was to have two alchemists working together but one betrays the other. Our antagonist, due to certain disagreements decided to take all of the valuable magical runes in the lab and set off to take the works for himself. Meanwhile our protagonist was doing field work and only had runes he decided to carry with him that day. He will have to discover/make new runes (which was what he was doing field work on) and to track down our antagonist. Facing antagonist’s students/followers along the way. 

This story allows us to start from a weak position while still maintaining the protagonist’s accomplishments. 

*Note that the story above is not the final product, we’re still refining it as it goes.

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